Send Your Fire Lord Send Your Spirit Revive Us Again We Need More of You Lyrics
African American Heritage Hymnal #569
Brandish Title: Revive Us Again First Line: Nosotros praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love Tune Title: REVIVE The states Again Author: William P. Mackay, 1837-1885 Meter: eleven 11 with refrain Scripture: Psalm 85:half dozen Appointment: 2001 Subject: God | Love and Mercy; Jesus Christ | His Ascension and Reign; Jesus Christ | His Glory and Power; Jesus Christ | His Love and Mercy; Jesus Christ | Shepherd and Lamb; Renewal and Revival |
African American Heritage Hymnal #569
Baptist Hymnal 1991 #469
Display Championship: Revive Us Once more Offset Line: Nosotros praise thee, O God! For the Son of thy love Tune Title: REVIVE The states Once more Writer: William P. Mackay Meter: 11.11. with Refrain Scripture: Habakkuk three:ii Appointment: 1991
Baptist Hymnal 1991 #469
Baptist Hymnal 2008 #493
Display Title: Revive Us Over again First Line: We praise Thee, O God! for the Son of Thy love Tune Championship: REVIVE United states AGAIN Author: William P. Mackay Meter: 11.11. with Chorus Appointment: 2008 Subject: Jesus, Lamb of God | ; Renewal, Revival |
Baptist Hymnal 2008 #493
Jubilant Grace Hymnal #355
Display Title: We Praise Thee, O God First Line: We praise Thee, O God Tune Title: REVIVE United states Over again Author: William P. Mackay Meter: Irregular with refrain Date: 2010 Subject: Praise and Adoration-God | ; Praise and Admiration-Jesus Christ | ; The Church at Worship | Praise and Adoration; Trinity |
Celebrating Grace Hymnal #355
Hymnal #99
Brandish Title: We praise thee, O God First Line: We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy beloved Tune Title: REVIVE U.s. AGAIN Author: William P. Mackay Date: 1992 Source: New Praises of Jesus, ca. 1867
Hymnal #99
Hymns for a Pilgrim People #546
Display Title: Revive Us Again Start Line: Nosotros praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love Tune Title: REVIVE US AGAIN Writer: William P. Mackay, 1839-1885 Meter: 11.11 with Refrain Scripture: Psalm 85:6 Date: 2007 Subject: Church | ; Obedience | ; Redemption | ; Renewal / Revival | ; Salvation |
Hymns for a Pilgrim People #546
Hymns of Faith #44
Display Championship: Revive Us Again Showtime Line: We praise Thee, O God Melody Title: [We praise Thee, O God] Writer: William P. Mackay Scripture: Psalm 85:6; Revelation five:12 Date: 1980 Subject field: Praise | of Christ
Hymns of Faith #44
Atomic number 82 Me, Guide Me (2nd ed.) #444
Display Title: Revive Us Again Showtime Line: We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love Tune Title: REVIVE US AGAIN Author: William P. Mackay, 1837-1885 Meter: 11 11 with refrain Scripture: Psalm 86:5 Date: 2012 Subject: God the Begetter, Creator | ; Holy Spirit | ; Jesus Christ | ; Lamb of God | ; Love of God for United states | ; New Life | ; Praise | ; Redemption | ; Renewal | ; Trinity | ; Worship and Adoration |
Lead Me, Guide Me (second ed.) #444
One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism #431
Display Title: Revive Us Once again Beginning Line: Nosotros praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy honey Tune Championship: REVIVE Usa Once again Author: William P. Mackay, 1839-1885 Meter: 11 11 with refrain Scripture: Psalm 85:6; 1 John i:9; Revelation v:12 Date: 2018 Subject: Discipleship | ; Renewal | ; Revival | ; The Gospel in the Christian Life | Christian Life, Discipleship
One Lord, One Organized religion, One Baptism #431
Rejoice Hymns #636
Display Title: Revive Us Over again Start Line: We praise Thee, O God! for the Son of Thy love Melody Title: REVIVE Us Once more Author: William P. Mackay, 1837-1885 Meter: 11.11. with Refrain Date: 2011 Subject: Admiration and Praise | ; Revival |
Rejoice Hymns #636
Sing Joyfully #95
Display Title: Revive Us Over again First Line: We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love] Writer: William P. MacKay Date: 1989 Subject: Hope | ; Revival | ; Worship |
Sing Joyfully #95
Minor Church Music #164
Brandish Championship: Hallelujah! Thine the glory. First Line: Nosotros praise Thee, O God for the Son of thy love Tune Title: [We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love] Author: Due west. P. Mackay Meter: 11.11. with refrain
Modest Church Music #164
The Celebration Hymnal #434
Display Title: Revive Us Once again Kickoff Line: We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy beloved Tune Title: REVIVE US AGAIN Author: William P. Mackay Meter: xi.xi. with Refrain Date: 1997 Subject: The Living Church building | Renewal and Revival
The Celebration Hymnal #434
The Worshiping Church #723
Display Title: Revive United states Again First Line: We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy dearest Tune Title: REVIVE U.s. AGAIN Author: William P. Mackay Meter: 11.eleven.Ref. Scripture: Psalm 85:six; John iii:thirteen; Acts ii:3; i John 1:nine; Revelation five:12 Date: 1990
The Worshiping Church building #723
This Far By Organized religion #100
Display Title: Nosotros Praise Thee, O God Commencement Line: We praise thee, O God Melody Title: REVIVE US Once again Writer: William P. MacKay, 1837-1885 Scripture: two Corinthians 3:half-dozen; Galatians 5:19-26 Date: 1999 Subject: Easter | ; Joy | ; Lite | ; Reconciliation | ; Reformation |
This Far By Faith #100
Timeless Truths #96
Brandish Title: Revive Us Again First Line: We praise Thee, O God! Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God] Author: William P. Mackay Meter: vi.6.6.half dozen.8.6.8.half dozen Scripture: Psalm 85:vi Source: The Cyber Hymnal (http://world wide; The Salvation Army, Songs and Music, 1922 (127); Timeless Truths (
Timeless Truths #96
Total Praise #566
Display Championship: Revive Us Over again First Line: We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love Tune Title: REVIVE U.s. Once again Author: William P. Mackay, 1837-1885 Meter: 11 eleven with refrain Scripture: Psalm 85:half-dozen Engagement: 2011 Subject: Cleansing | ; God | Glory and Power; God | Dearest and Mercy; Holy Spirit | ; Jesus Christ | His Ascension and Reign; Jesus Christ | His Glory and Power; Jesus Christ | Savior; Jesus Christ | Shepherd and Lamb; Light | ; Praise | ; Renewal and Revival |
Total Praise #566
Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.) #179
Display Title: Hallelujah! Thine the Glory Outset Line: Nosotros praise thee, O God! Melody Title: THINE THE Celebrity Author: Henry J. Kuiper; William P. Mackay Meter: v.six.7.5.ref. Scripture: Psalm 47:6 Date: 1990 Subject: Christ | Lamb of God; God | Praise of; Holy Scriptures | ; Jesus Christ | His Praise
Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.) #179
Voices Together #91
Display Title: We Praise Thee, O God First Line: Nosotros praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy dearest Tune Title: REVIVE United states of america Again Author: William P. Mackay Meter: eleven.11 with refrain Scripture: Psalm 85:4-7; Acts two:ane-4; Revelation seven:9-17 Date: 2020 Subject: Atonement | ; Conversion and New Life | ; Gathering | ; Jesus Christ | Rising of; Reign of Christ | Source: The Praise of Jesus, 1863
Voices Together #91
Worship and Rejoice #463
Display Title: Revive U.s. Over again First Line: We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love Tune Title: REVIVE United states Once more Author: William P. Mackay, 1839-1885 Meter: 11.11.Ref. Scripture: Psalm 85:6; John iii:xiii-17; Acts 2:iii; 1 Peter 2:24; 1 John 1:ix; Jude 1:24-25; Revelation five:12 Date: 2003
Worship and Rejoice #463
Worship and Service Hymnal #346
Brandish Title: Revive Us Once again First Line: We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy beloved Tune Championship: [Nosotros praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love] Author: William P. Mackay, 1839-1885 Date: 2006 Discipline: Prayer | for Revival; Revival, Prayer for | ; The Christian Way of Life | Aspiration and Induction
Worship and Service Hymnal #346
Yeah, Lord! #405
Display Title: Revive U.s.a. Again First Line: Nosotros praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love Tune Title: [We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy honey] Author: William P. Mackay Engagement: 1982 Subject: Renewal and Revival |
Yeah, Lord! #405
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